dysentery is an infectious disease caused by the ‘shigella group of bacilli’
and characterized by frequent passage of loose stools containing mucus, blood
and pus. Griping abdominal pain and tenesmus and constitutional symptoms
including fever.
Acute catarrhal,
tropical or amoebic dysentery, malignant or diphtheric and malarial.
The dysentery is
mainly caused by shigella groups of bacilli (dysenteriae, sonnei and flexneri).
The disease spreads by contamination of food and
water supply by faeces of patients or carriers of the disease.
Housefly is main responsible for dissemination
of the disease.
Maximum incidence occurs during summer months.
Children’s are more commonly affected than
There is
hyperaemia and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon, with redness
and swelling. The swelling of the mucous membrane closes the follicles, which
also become swollen from the retention of their contents. Often, some of the capillaries
in the walls of the follicles rupture and fills them with blood. The follicles
may discharge their contents and form ulcers. In the amoebic dysentery we find
amoebae in these ulcers. In the malignant form there is the formation of a
false membrane, which ulcerates and sloughs off.
The incubation
period varies from 1-7 days.
Onset is sudden.
Increased frequency of stools containing mucus
and blood, gripping abdominal pain.
Tenesmus, high fever and vomiting.
In severe cases, the frequency of stools is so
increased that the patient is almost ‘ glued to the commode’.
Dehydration and severe prostration.
Abscess of the liver.
Typhoid fever.
For the control of diarrhoea, codeine (30 mg
thrice a day) or loperamide (1-2 tablets, tid) may be used.
Plenty of water along with oral rehydration
solution (ORS) or powder may be given orally.
Liquid or semi solid diet should be given.
At the very commencement, with fever,
anxiety, restlessness and fear of death, knows he is going to die, the pulse is
full and hard. The stools are bloody, slimy, mucous, scanty and frequent with
tenesmus. In the very beginning, is often able to cut short dysentery, without
any other remedy. If sets in with violent fever. Aconite in many cases cures
the whole disease in 2 -3 days.
Violent tenesmus, the stools consists of
lumps of mucous or bloody mucus. Sense of weakness in the rectum, as if stool
would escape involuntarily. Weakness and faintness after stool. Sensation of
plug between symphysis pubis and os coccygis with urging to stool. Constant
bearing down in rectum; bleeding, sore, and hot; relieved by cold water. Jelly-like
stools, with soreness in rectum after stools.
In the last stage, when there is extreme
prostration, anguish, restlessness and fear of death. Violent, burning thirst,
drinks little and often. Rapid and scarcely perceptible pulse. The stools are
dark, watery, frequent and offensive. Painful, spasmodic protrusion of rectum.
Tenesmus, Worse at night, and after eating and drinking; from chilling stomach,
alcoholic abuse, spoiled meat.
As soon as the disease shows a typhoid
tendency, face dark red, with a besotted look. Cannot sleep, feels scattered
about, tosses about to get him together. Sore, bruised feeling all over the
whole body. Tongue is dry, coated yellowish brown in the centre, with red,
shinning edges. The stools are pure blood, very offensive and often painless.
Extended clinical observation has proved its value when dysentery assumes the
typhoid type. When the discharges are offensive and blood contain. Showing an
alarming dipression of vitality.
Flushed face, dilated pupils, throbbing of
the carotids, head hot, hands and feet cold, the child is stupid, drowsy,
starting, and twitching of the muscles during sleep. The abdomen is very
sensitive to touch. The passages are bloody and frequent. Often the only remedy
required for severe cases of infantile dysentery.
Anxious, restless. Violent pains in the
abdomen. Burning in the abdomen, stools white or pale reddish mucous. Like
scrapings of the intestines, bloody mucus. Tenesmus, frequent, painful,
ineffectual desire to urinate. Retention of the urine.
Stools mucous, streaked with blood,
expelled with force. Thirst drinking causes shuddering. Tenesmus after stools. Intense
craving for stimulants. Bloody mucus, with burning and tenesmus; drawing pain
in back after stool. Thirsty after stool, with shivering.
Intense cutting, griping, squeezing in the
intestines, aggravated from eating or drinking, relived by lending double.
Stools mucous or bloody. Tongue rough, as from sand, and feels scalded. Colic
with cramps in calves. Jelly-like stools.
The tongue is dry, red, smooth and cracked.
Debility, with desire to lie down. The stools are bloody, jelly like, look like
chopped up blood and mucus. Occurs periodically every year. Nausea and vomiting
after beer. Gastric symptoms are relieved after eating, and the rheumatic
symptoms reappear. Jelly-like, gelatinous; worse, mornings. Dysentery;
tenesmus, stools brown, frothy.
Cold face and hands, with small feeble
pulse. Distension and soreness of the stomach. Continual urging to stool, with
a never get done feeling, must strain. Faint, sickish, colicky pain in the
abdomen, amilorated by the stool, and prolonged tenesmus after the stool. Stool
bloody, slimy, containing shreds of mucous membrane, they are scanty and frequent
with continued urging. Tenesmus vesicae, faintness and weakness.
The patient is irritable and desires to be
left alone, wants to be lie down. The stools are thin, bloody mucous and with
each evacuation of blood and mucus, there is a small portion of natural faeces
passed, severe pain in the back, and tenesmus before stools with complete relief after stool.
In late stage when dysentery shows tendency
to assume the typhoid form. The patient is restless, wants to constantly change
his position. The tongue is dry and rough, with red edges and triangular red
tip. Excessive craving for milk. Laborious dreams of excessive bodily exertion.
The stools are thin, bloody, jelly mucus, bloody water like washings of beef.
Tendency to relapse or when our well chosen
remedies fail to act. Morning diarrhoea, painless, drives out of bed, with
prolapsus recti.
Some of other remedies are arg. Nit,
carb.veg, colchicum, chamomilla, hepar sulph, ipecac, opium, pulsatilla, staphysagria,
veratrum album.
I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
ReplyDeleteliver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.