Friday, 5 April 2013


                                                         DIABETES MELLITUS

                      Diabetes mellitus has been known to mankind since antiquity as "Honeyed Urine" disease in ancient literature."Madhu Meh" in Hindi and "Sugar Disease" in laymen language.It is a disease which affects a large number of population,alters the life style of the sufferer and eludes the treating physician.


                      Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by raised level of glucose(sugar) in the blood.
 This raised level may remain totally asymptomatic in person and he may be unaware of the disorder or elsc this raised level of glucose may cause a variety of symptoms and complications.If the patient is symptomatic then he usually presents with Polyuria (excessive amount of urine),Polydipsia(excessive thirst),Polyphagia (increased appetite).
                       The patients may very often,then any of its complications like secondary infections(urinary tract infections,Vulvitis,Tuberculosis,Kidney failure,Coronary artery disease or Stroke etc.).


                        In the healthy body various hormones are secreted which keep the blood sugar at the normal level.The hormones like thyroid hormones,adrenal hormone,growth hormone,and glucagon tend to increase in level of glucose,It is basically the imbalance of these hormones which causes increased blood sugar.Most commonly this is because of the reduced secretion of the insulin.


                          Insulin,so what is insulin,Insulin is the hormone which is secreted from the beta cells of pancreas,by its various actions in the glucose metabolism,it tends to keep the blood sugar at lower levels in a healthy individual.It reduces the blood sugar level by causing utilization of the glucose,conversion of glucose into glucagon which can be stored in the liver and the muscles.

                          Whenever a normal person eats food,his blood sugar level increases immediately,stimulating the secretion of insulin from the pancreas which in turn brings back the blood sugar to the normal level. This auto regulatory mechanism becomes defective in patients of diabetes mellitus,as sufficient stores of insulin are not available and thus after taking food the blood sugar level continuous to remain high for a long period.


                           Diabetes Mellitus is diagnosed by testing sugar in the blood.If  sugar level is very high then it is secreted in the urine also,so can also diagnosed by testing the sugar in urine.

                           The normal blood sugar level varies with food intake,whether from the vein or the capillary or from the plasma.However,any fasting blood sugar level of 120mg/100ml,of blood or more should be considered abnormal.There will be patients where fasting sugar is normal but they will show raised glucose level after taking meals.So ideally in all the persons suspected to be suffering from diabetes mellitus,a  blood sample should be tested 2 hrs,after meals(Post Prandial).As it has already been started that in normal person the blood sugar level turns back to normal after 2 hrs.but in diabetic it remains high or keep on rising.


                           The diabetes is commonly  classified in two main groups:
                           1. Primary.
                           2. Secondary.

1. The Primary Diabetes
                           This type is further classified in two main types.
           A. Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus:-
                            In this patient has to depend on Insulin for the control of Diabetes and survival,the oral drugs being ineffective because of a complete absence of Islets of Langerhans.This type of diabetes occurs on younger people usually below 40 years of age,if the insulin is withheld then he gets suffer by complications.

           B. Non-Insulin Diabetes Mellitus:-

                            It usually occur in the older age group and the secretion of insulin usually remains almost normal,but it is not so effective,The target tissues get resistant to insulin mainly controls by oral drugs, There is yet a small gropus of patients who falls under the group of MODY(Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young) that a disease is occurs in younger people and can be controlled by oral drugs.

2. Secondary Diabetes :-

                           This type usually results from destruction of Islets cells by any cause.The possible causes are such as
a. Surgery - when the pancreas is removed in any cause.
b. Disease - Acute inflammatory diseases of pancreas,Ca of pancreas.
c. Drugs - like corticosteroids,certain diuretics.
d. Liver disease - Cirrhosis of liver,chronic hepatitis.
e. Hormones - abnormal concentrations of growth hormones and Adrenocortical Hormone.


                          1. Heredity - This disease is very common in when both parents have diabetes,the chances are 100% to suffer in diabetes.
                          2. Obesity and over eating - Many patients usually above age of 40 years.
                          3. Endocrine -  Endocrine glands like pituitary,thyroid,and adrenal glands.
                          4. Other factors - Infections,emotional stress and racial factors.
                          5. Age and Sex - mostly it occurs after the age of 40 years,now a days even in juvenile also      getting suffer by this disease.

                         The most common symptoms of the disease are,
                        - Polydipsia (Excessive thirst).
                        - Polyuria (Excessive urination).
                        - Polyphagia(Excessive hunger).
                        - Loss of weight and gradual weakness.
                        - Itching mostly on genitals.
                        - Changes in vision (Refraction changes).
                        - Aches and pain all over the body.
                        - Boils and infections.
                        - Slow healing of wounds.
                        - Drowsiness and Gangrene of toes esp in old people.


               The diabetes has some common complications if the sugar level are not got under control they are,

                       1. Diabetic Coma.
                       2. Cardiovascular complications.
                       3. Renal complications.
                       4. Diabetic Retinopathy (Eyes).
                       5. Diabetic Neuropathy - Tingling sensation,Loss of sensation,Gangrene,Postural hypo tension,Diarrhea,Disturbance of sweating and skin temperature regulation.
                       6. Infections - Boils,Carbuncles,Urinary tract infections,Vulvitis,Tuberculosis.



                       Green leafy vegetables,Tomatoes,Cucumbers, Radish,Lime,Clear soups,Black coffee and Tea without milk,Butter milk,Pickles,Sour chutneys,Pepper and Zeera water,Jamun fruit (gova) and Karela juice.

             FOOD TO BE AVOIDED:-

                         Potatoes,Yam, Ar-bi,Mangoes,Grapes,Bananas,All dry fruits and nuts and all alcoholic drinks.
             FOODS PROHIBITED:-

                         Glucose,Sugar,Honey and all sweets,Jaggery,ice creams,Pastries,Cake,Jam,Jelly,Squash,Canned fruit juices,Sugar cane juices,Chocolates, Bournvita. All aerated waters except Soda water.

Regular exercise with morning walking is must and should.

Homeopathic Management :-

1. Acetic Acid 
                   It is also a valuable remedy for diabetes.Profuse urination,urine pale,intense thirst,hot dry skin and profound debility.

2. Acid Phosphoricum

                   Diabetes due to nervous strains,Urine increased,milky in color and contains much sugar.Diabetes due to long lasting grief worries,anxiety,for those who are apathetic,poor in mental and physical strength.great debility,loss of appetite,patients having boils all over the body,increased thirst.face is pale,sick looking,eyes are sunken and surrounded dark bluish rings.sexual power deficiency.

3. Argentum metallicum

                   Urine is profuse and turbid,sweet odor. Micturation frequent and copious esp at night,anxiety and pressure in pit of the stomach,want of breath.anxiety causes diabetes.

4. Argentum nitricum

                    Diabetes of nervous and gastric origin.In patients who are mentally and physically exhausted.Dried emaciated person due to long continued mental work.Cravings for sweets,nervous impulsive,anxiety about health,hurried in everything,intolerance of heat,impotence,irregular blotches over the skin.

5. Arsenic album

                    Hepatic origin of diabetes due to chronic alcoholism. Horrible thirst,emaciation and exhaustion with hallucination,fear of incurable disease,fastidious,anxiety about health,sharp nose,lean thin personality diabetic gangrene,pruritis vulvae,skin dry,physical and mental restlessness.avarice

6. Bryonia Alba 

                    Dryness of lips as a symptom of hepatic disorders as bryonia has, business minded,money minded,bitter taste in mouth,morose, dispirited,patient emaciates and may lose strength due to inability to eat.

7. Cephalandra Indica

                     its wonderful drug for diabetes mellitus associates with biliousness, abscess,boils and carbuncles,profuse urination,dryness of mouth,the whole body "burns like fire",relieved by cold bathing.

8. Coca 

                   Diabetes mellitus with impotence,no appetite except for sweets.

9. Codeinum

                    Great thirst,with desire for bitter substances.

10. Helonias

                    Dull,gloomy and irritable, melancholy,numb feet,impotence,patient is better when kept busy,urine albuminous,profuse and clear,contains sugar.constant aching and tenderness over kidneys.

11. Insulin

                   It is only administered for diabetes mellitus,its maintains the blood sugar level and keeps the urine sugar free,but over doses causes weakness and tremors and profuse sweating.

12. Kreosote

                 Itching on vulvae and vagina,urine offensive,gangrene,Great emaciation and putrid odour from mouth,impotence.

13. Lactic acid

                 Diabetes due to gastro-hepatic disorders,increased appetite,constipation,dry skin and tongue,occasional gastralgia.

14. Lycopodium

                 Excellent drug for diabetes mellitus,excessive urination,sexual desire and power gone,marked emaciation,dryness of mouth,tongue and skin,desires for sweets,diabetes due to gastric and hepatic disorders,itching on vulvae,numbness on soles,skin prone to ulceration.

15. Phosphorus

                  Diabetes due to pancreatic diseases especially in tubercular and gouty constitutions,patient looks so beautiful with smiley face,lean thin constitution,frequent,abundant urination and skin eruptions.

16. Plumbum metalicum

                    Lowness of spirits,melancholic and anxiety, diminished vision,dryness of mouth,dry coated tongue,chilly patient,impotence,gangrene,dr.herings best and very important drug for diabetes.

17. Syzygium
                    It is capable of reducing the amount of sugar in the urine,weakness,emaciated,old slcers on skin,diabetic ulcers.

18. Uranium nitricum

                    Diabetes due to gastric derangement,dyspepsia,dryness of mouth,its good remedy for diabetic complications also such as nephropathy,degeneration of liver and high blood pressure,impotence.unable to retain the urine without pain.

All acids all very good remedy for diabetes mellitus.



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