Thursday, 18 April 2013




               Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that occurs in old age and affects the weight-bearing joints such as hip, knee, ankle, inter vertebral and shoulder joints.


The disease is more commonly affects at after 40 years of age. Main causes are
-          Obesity.
-          Age - on old age above 40 years of aged people.
-          Both sexes equally affect.
-          Trauma or injury.
-          Chondrocalcinosis.
-          Systemic lupus erythematosus.
-          Gout.
-          Rheumatoid arthritis.


               The primary affection occurs in the joint cartilage. The central part of the joint cartilage is affected early followed by the peripheral parts. This is followed by hypertrophy of the peripheral part of the concerned bones which presents as osteophytes projecting out of the bones or lying as loose bodies inside the joint space. Repeated effusions occur in the affected joints especially after minor trauma or twists. The movement of the affected joint is limited initially due to pain and muscular spasm and later due to capsular fibrosis, osteopyte formation and bony deformity.


-          Pain.
-          Swelling.
-          Stiffness.
-          Stiffness and pain are worst in the morning or at initiation of movement but are relived on rest or continuation of movement.
-          Pain is greater at the time of getting up from bed or from sitting position.
-          Restricted movements due to stiffness.
-          The weight bearing bigger joints are mostly affected.


-          The joint is swollen.
-          On palpitation grunting or crepitations can be heard. On bending the joint while keeping the palm over it, a crackling feeling is felt (crepitations) underneath the palm.


-          Radio-logical signs:
a.       Marked prominence of Tibial tuberosity.
b.      Reduction of joint space with destruction of articular cartilage.
c.       Presence of osteophytes.


1.       Physiotherapy is useful.
2.       Use of analgesics in severe pain.
3.       Surgery.



                This is one of the best remedy for Osteoarthritis. Knee joint is stiff and painful, hot swelling of feet, pain worse at least movement and better by rest. Every spot is painful on least touch. Dryness all over the body, chilly patient, business minded, money minded person. Painful stiffness on nape of the neck. Restricted movements.


                The patients are obese, fat, fair and flabby. These remedy will act well on bones, rheumatoid pain after exposure to wet, cold knees cramps on calf muscle, swelling of joints esp. on knee joint, sweats on hands, weakness of extremities, stiffness of knee joint, chilly patient, desires for sweets and eggs, insecurity.


                  Paralysis of single part, stiff neck, stiffness around the neck and shoulders, after getting cold and wet, pain in shin bones, perspiration on palms, rheumatism alternates with diarrhea, rheumatic complaints after acute skin eruptions, all complaints get worse at damp weather. Swelling of knee joint with stiffness, chilly patient.


                 Its one of the best remedy for fever, stiff neck, stiffness on knee joints, articular rheumatism, rheumatic pain  of the shoulder and pain extends to chest and wrist, hands swollen and palms feels hot, restless and sleeplessness, pain worse at motion, and better by cold applications.


                   Stiff neck and shoulders, contractive pain in between scapulae, stitching between scapulae and occiput, rheumatic pain in shoulders, hands, knees, immovable stiffness, joints are swollen, painful and intolerance of pressure, can bear no heat, stinging pain in limbs, ankle pain extends up the leg, cause lameness, worse from heat, motion, cold wet weather and better by pressure.


                    It’s a rheumatic remedy, deltoid rheumatism especially right side, pain from hip to knee and then legs, pains affects large part of the limbs especially all joints, and pass through quickly, weakness, prickling, numbness and sense of coldness in limbs, pains along ulnar nerve and index finger, joints red, hot and swollen, tingling and numbness of left arm, sleeplessness wakes up very early morning.


                    The ledum rheumatism starts on feet and travels upwards, swollen, hot and pale in joints, throbbing in right shoulder, cracking in joints worse by heat of the bed, soles painful, can hardly step on them, easy spraining of ankle. Better by putting feet in cold water, worse at night and warmth of bed.


                    It is the wonderful remedy for rheumatism and arthritis, chilly patient, extreme restless, hot, painful swelling of joints, pains tearing in tendons, ligaments, rheumatic pain more on nape of neck, loins and extremities, better by motion, limbs stiff paralyzed, tenderness about knee joint, loss of power in forearm and fingers, crawling sensation in the tip of the finger. Tingling in feet.


                   It is one of the best immunizer in homeopathy, its good remedy for bone diseases, ill effects from vaccination, cramps in calves and soles,  loss of power in legs,  in growing nails in toes, icy cold and sweaty feet, pain in knee as if tightly bounded, pain beneath toes and soles, sore soles, offensive perspiration on soles and palms, chilly patient. 

Some of other drugs are aconite, apis, arnica, lyco, caustic um  colocynth, kali carb, iodum, kali iod, Natrum Mur, Natrum sulph, sepia and sulphur

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