Monday, 8 April 2013



Hyperthyroidism ( state of hyperfunctioning of the thyroid gland) is a clinical state produced by excessive secretion of either tri-iodothyronine(T3) alone or T3 and T4(thyroxine) combined.
The vast majority of the cases hyperthyroidism are of the primary type i.e, Grave’s disease(nearly 75% of cases).Others are a multinodular goiter or an autonomously functioning solitary nodules.

Primary  Hyperthyroidism or Grave’s disease:-

                 Grave’s disease is the commonest type of hyperthyroidism. It occurs in younger group of patients and much more common in females.There is diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland with increased vasculature and increased blood circulation.

Aetiology or Causes:-
1.       Auto immune disorder.
2.       Stress.
3.       Grave’s disease.
4.       Sub acute thyroiditis.
5.        Some sedentary life cycle.


1.       General symptoms:-

a. Loss of weight.
b. Weakness and wasting of the proximal group of muscles in arms and legs.
c.  Nervousness,Irritability,easy fatigue.
d.  Insomia,excessive sweating.
e.  Palpitation.
f.   decreased tolerate to heat.
g.  Tremors of the outstretched hands and fingers.

 2.  Goitre.

3.  Exopthalmos 
                       The eyeballs are unusually prominent and protruded.The look is staring,diplopia or visual   difficulty,excessive lacrymation and gritty sensation in the eyes.

4. Dermatopathy:-

          Localised thickening of skin due to mucin like deposits may occur in the legs (Pre-tibial myxoedema).clubbing of fingers and toes.


-           The facial expression with prominent eyeballs,a staring look with red,congested eyes and diffusely enlarged thyroid gland.
-          The hands are warm and sweating.
-          The pulse rate remains persistently high.
-          Fine tremors of fingers are detected when the patient is asked to stretch his hands and fan out the fingers.


-          Thyroid hormone test.


-          Avoid  foods high in iodine.
-          Avoid smoking,drinking,tea,coffe,chocolates.
-          Vitamin d from eggs and mushroom.
-          Green leaf vegetables and cabbage,cauli flower.

Treatment :-

-          Anti thyroid drugs like eltroxine and thyroxine but dose should follow by given physician.
-          Surgery.

Homeopathic treatment:- 

1.       Thyroidinum:-

          It is very good remedy for hyperthyroidinum,eyes are protruded,goitre,tongue thick coated,irritability,melancholy,anxiety about chest is constricted,palpitation from least exertion,tachycardia,excessive obesity,  anaemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating,
headache, nervous tremor of face and limbs, tingling sensations.

2.       Kali carb:-

           Irritability,anxiety about health,tachycardia,palpitation,full of fear and imaginations,menses early,profuse or to late,pain in tip of the toe and finger,chilly patient,expressive,anger also violent,family oriented persons.

3.       Natrum muraticum:-

             Emaciation most notable in neck.constrictive feeling all over the body,headache got increase after exposure to sun,desires salt,wants to be alone,consolation aggravates,irritable, menses irregular,dryness in vagina,heart pulsation shakes body,tachycardia,dreams of robbers,hot patient.

4.       Lycopus:-

            Protrusion, pressing, outward, with tumultuous action of heart.palpitation from nervous irritation,increased in pulse rate,headache from nervous.good remedy for hyperthyroidism,irregular menses.

5.       Ferum sulph:-

             Severe vertigo; with diarrhea,taste of salt  with smarting of throat,loss of appetite,aversion to patient,mentally they are very strong and maintain punctuality in all manners,headache frequent between periods, paralysis of lower limbs.

6.       Calc phos:-

             Lean,thin constitution,hurried in everything,tremors of limbs, forgetful,menses too early,excessive and bright in young girls,likes travelling,insecurity,pain in joints and bones, tachycardia,chilly pt,hoarseness,nymphomania.

7.       Iodum:-

            It is excellent remedy for glandular diseases,anxiety when quiet,forgetful,fear of people,melancholy,pain in eyes,violent lacrymation,goiter with sensation of constriction.menses irregular,pain in mammary gland,palpitation from least exertion,heart feels squeezed, tachycardia,

8.       Sulphur iodatum:-

            Tongue is thick,swollen throat,boils on neck,good remedy for hyperthyroidism.

Some other drugs are calc carb,lycopodium,acid flour,conium,pulsatilla,platina,thuja

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